ERA in TWILIGHT – Psychocultural Situation under State Terrorism in Latin America

Author: Horacio Riquelme U.

Date Published: 1994-10-01

Original language: spanish

Other languages: Spanisch, German, Portugiesisch

Non latin titles:

Descriptors: psychotherapeutic practice in the face of organized violence, culture under state terrorism.

Identifiers: human rights in Latin America - military dictatur, opposite cultur

Item available at: núcleo de convergencia

Nature of contents: ERA in TWILIGHT – Psychocultural Situation under State Terrorism in Latin America - This book documents the effort of one Uruguayan writer and several European and Latin American professionals working in the area of psychosocial health to gain intellectural an emotional understanding of destructiv effects of State Terrrorism they experienced, against fear and forgotten, determined to transcend it virtual opacity and incommunicability. This book has two parts, one focused on theory and psychotherapeutic practice in the face of organized violence, and another on culture under state terrorism. In the South American history can be observed in the processes of coercive destruction by state power, on the one hand, and cultural and psychosocial reparation on the other. The general participation of society is needed in this task of recovery and restructuring of social ethics in the wake of this perception on state terrorism. Based on experiences in South America, there is a clear need to reflect upon the psychosocial aspects of this period in order to make it possible to grow and overcome this ERA in TWILIGHT. If it arouses the reader´s interest and spurs new questions about the experiences of this period and this after-effects in a postdicatorial society, it will have achieved its puspose, insofar as it contributes to broadening the social an cultural base so that „Never again“ may be a living proposition, not just a motto of good intentions in South America, or wherever state terrorism threatens peace, freedom and civility.

Imprint: 1994

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