Platform of Interaction

  • This Interactive Platform must allow contact and interchange among participants (people/persons, groups)
    • In promoting Human Rights and Citizenship
    • In the treatment of victims of Human Rights violations
    • In research and academia in this area
  • It is advisable to have sufficient time and patience as the Platform is the most difficult and sensitive part of the NCP.

  • Modus operandi:

  • The participation in the Platform of Interaction is done through the development of central themes.
  • The interested participants will register through the window sending a message to the Nucleus with:
    • A description of the proposed theme
    • A personal or a group presentation through the interlocutor(s)
    • The dates in which the interaction may take place (initially within a margin of about a month)
  • The central theme of each working session will be communicated once there is a quorum of more than 7 participants (with the exception of an emergent theme) in the window of Events, with a limited date to register
  • The date and time of the sessions about the central theme will be communicated to the NCP Community in the Events window.
  • The given working session will be initially in a “Chat Room” during one or two days at a convenient time for all participants (e.g. diverse time zones). It is probably that later additional/different forms of interaction can be incorporated/added (a telephone conference, Skype, etc.).
  • We appeal to the discipline and responsibility of all participants to make this Platform of Interaction a mutual area of information and to promote its development.